It's the new year again. To me, it sort of felt the same. Yesterday, today and tomorrow? How is it the final day of the year would lead to the first day of a new year in just seconds.
This is literally me. In my 20s D: Waiting for the clock to strike 12am and finally we can watch the fireworks. Wasn't as fun as how it used to be few years back!
Anyway, every year I would do a quick recap on how my year went and briefly talked about it while thinking about the good times. Obviously, 2014 was not the best year yet, speaking in terms of the overall uneventful happenings that has been occurring all year. :(
For me personally, it wasn't really all bad but probably less interesting as 2013 since it was practically my life summary in Perth. You can have a look and compare it here :P
Sooo, let's get down to business!
Celebrated 2014 new year in Perth, I still remember watching the amazing fireworks at Crown Casino and we drank all the cheap wine we had at our rented home and got a little tipsy after that.I swear I could even speak Korean back then. lol xD Good times, good times.
I remember not long after that, I decided to change my airticket and return to my hometown earlier! It was kinda like the best feeling ever because I finally get to meet, eat, and go to places that I missed about my hometown! Besides, it is still the place where I grew up. :)
Chinese New Year was around the corner and I was very blessed to be home to spend time with my family and friends! It was nice to see faces that I haven't met in ages and there were no awkward silence in between every conversations. :D

And then it was time to return to Perth, and probably my last time returning in long long time, unless I decide to go visit one day. Traveled back with my parents and grandmother for the long awaited graduation. I am proud to say those 3 years of burning midnight oil, last minute rushing for deadlines and group meetings really did paid off. All of the above without spending much time in the university's library, I study better alone at home, in my room without any distractions. :) I can't lie, sometimes I do miss studying (no, what am I even saying) :P
The fact that I finally understand graduation is not the most glamorous thing in the world, judging from how heavy the regalia was and to have the ceremony outdoors on a hot summer evening at 40c. Plus no one specifically that knows how to take good photos for us, it was pretty manageable and the photos were limited but turned out quite well. :)
I can't thank enough for my parents, godparents, housemates and everyone else that cared for me to pay a visit when I was away. Thanks for making me feel like home. :D
After graduation, we made a pitstop to Melbourne to visit my cousins and had a better tour on the beautiful city as well! It was my last holiday before entering the working life so it had to be worth it. Fair enough, we spend a great time with my families and even challenged the ever so unpredictable weather of Melbourne.

And then in April, I left my hometown and flew to KL to start my first job at probably one of the most coolest workplace that everyone has been hyping about :)
True enough, working with these bunch of awesome and energetic people had opened my eyes towards how much digital media and advertising has revolved around this world today.
And the point where I get to take epic group wefies like this? :D
It was definitely a great experience :)
Went back to my hometown for a week for my cousin's wedding,
Finally had the time to take our overdue Family Potrait,
And also went for my first food/road trip down to Malacca with the naggy boyfriend :D
Anyway, for everything else in between? Nothing much really, the last quarter of the year was just busy house-moving which kinda made me realize the amount of responsibility I have and the fact that I am transitioning into an adult. A boring adult to be exact.
House moving was a pain because we had to make trips to move everything into our tiny car and the new place was practically empty. I am quite satisfied with the outcome however, I didn't manage to do a proper tour of the place? Maybe on another post :P But let's just say, the lighting at this place is wayy better for Instagram pictures and I kinda fell in love of staying and cozing up at home during the weekends :P
Also, been cooking a lot since I moved in and I have to say, I think I just found myself a new hobby! :)
4 months after my first job, I shifted to something slightly different but not too far, just more towards something I would like to do everyday but it's kinda like a job? Not sure if it makes sense, but lemme just summarize it in three simple words: Write. Photo. Social Media.
Ok, technically it's 4 words but you get what I mean. :) Here, I work closely with a creative and entertaining bunch of people that are dedicated in designing and writing. It kinda motivates me to work harder, heh. Y'know, get that creative juice pumping :D
All in all, I have to say, in these few short months, I am glad that I had the opportunity to get to know a lot of great people, with colorful backgrounds that never fail to amaze me. Especially for someone who's hometown is 2-hours flight away. :)
Cheers to a new life in 2015, and I may or not be too late, but HAPPY NEW YEAR!
*Finger cross that 2015 will be another amazing year for me to document next January :)