It's that time of the year again where a new month of January bids a new fresh start for everyone.
New beginnings, new adventure, new life.
But before proceeding to the future,
This fair habit of mine will always remind me to do a quick recap
on what are the memorable moments that had occurred over the year.
Now enough with the yapping and let's do a quick recap!!
To kick off the year 2013,
I spend new years in Miri partying in the beach with my friends!
To kick off the year 2013,
I spend new years in Miri partying in the beach with my friends!
It was a cheap and crazy way to spend new year, and yes it was also very memorable! :)
In January, I flew to Melbourne to attend my cousin's wedding!
It was a beautiful garden wedding at a winery in the out skirts of Melbourne.
Can't believe it has been over a year!
Jeff, can't wait for your turn!
January was practically a month of Wedding Marathons!
Rushed back to Miri to attend my other cousin, Arvin's wedding,
Group photos with the Miri cousins :)
Daddy's little girl, nawwww! :P
All the ladies in the house!
Normally beginning of the year is forever very exciting for me especially during
Chinese New Year!
My fav time of the year!
Red packets, good food and gambling sums up this festive season!
Happy family portrait!
Yes, i posted it before but hey, its not everyday u get a good shot of this. xD
And not forgetting gathering with friends!
Celebrating Yii's 21st
and a rare photo of all of us present altogether!
Before ending February, one shall always not forget about Valentine's Day!
Silly Willy came all the way to Miri with a bouquet of purple roses to spend V Day together!
It was also time to bid goodbye to family, friends and the hometown
as I was leaving to Perth for my final year!
Gonna miss my fellow peanuts!
Can't wait to reunite with them real soon!! *excited
So we said our goodbyes and travel to Perth to start a new life
and experience something much more different from home
We were welcome to Perth with new friends and also a new housemate,
Mr. Da Fu !
Get to know the city within a week
where most people say it would take a year to actually visit all those places.
Da fu is a good travel guide, I must say! xD
Not long after, Semester 1 of uni begins and we were slowly trying to get ourselves to fit in the campus,
Surprisingly it wasn't that much different from Miri,
we still have the same lecture notes, same assignment and and same due dates.
Different thing is maybe we get to see the Unit Coordinator
face to face rather seeing their picture from the unit outline. Haha!
In May,
Ming came to pay a visit and celebrated my 21st birthday together!
Went to explore a little more when Ming was here,
went to the zoo and all sorts of places
Celebrated my actual birthday together with the homies!
Simple gathering with good sushi, I am satisfied :)
Time flies and who knew the first semester ended in just a flash!
Ah Yii came to visit all the way from Brisbane and so we took her to places,
we ourselves have never been to!
Swan Valley. Lancelin. Rottnest.
Seriously, I am starting to get the hang of bringing people to go tour around!
During my one month winter break,
I started my internship with a small corporate events company,
Networking WA
It was part of my assignment requirement for one of my units in my final semester,
I was lucky enough to work together with the team and even get to know more people
sharing mutual interest! :)
Volunteered to go help out for the Homeless Persons Week and was proud to see it turned out to be quite a success!
In between, Mama came to visit from Melbourne and yet again,
I brought her around the city for a quick tour! (turning into a pro tour guide)
June and July was filled with cold wind and showers!
My first winter, I would say?
I have to admit, I did find a hard time dressing up before going out,
checking the weather became a daily routine
Was happy enough that I was entering my final semester before ending my uni life,
and time flies I still can't believe I'm leaving here so soon!
Was severely not used to the weather and everything here!
Like how shops all close at 5pm and the hard water used here making my hair fall,
and stupid weather making a skin go cray,
Seriously, why is this even happening to me -.-
Moving on,
Ming came again to visit for the second time!
Brought him for more food hunting rather than touring
cuz he didnt get the chance to be a proper foodie since his last trip!
Mandurah ; August 2013
I remember one week after he left,
Cynthia and Daniel came to visit!
Yes, my house is forever full with people coming in to visit! hahaha
Yes I miss this crazy B!
Also, 12 years of good for nothing piece of sh*.. FRIENDSHIP! :D :D
We worked our ass off throughout the semester
and went to visit the Perth Royal Show
because it a MUST do thing when you're in Perth
It was a typical giant carnival and Mr.Dafu was nice enough to win us each a giant plushie to bring home!
Oh, we also conquered a 5km run at night!
The theme of the run was NEON
which was awesome, because everyone was geared up in NEON colors and there was an after party after the run!
How do you like our hipster neon shades? :P
Soon we had exams and everybody worked their arses off counting the days to freedom!!
Finally exam was finally over and it was time for us to celebrate!
*throws conffetti
Paid $10 to watch a KPOP Concert
which was soooo worth it!
Okla, credits to our dear Oppa/Dong Seng Kim Yong Shiii. (trying damn hard to be Korean)
And because it was starting to get a little warm,
we went to visit one of the beautiful beaches in Perth
to do a little bit of sunbathing
Just chilling!

Not long after,
my family cameee!! ( ok ok, I swear they are my last visitors!)

After soo long, it was nice to spend time with them!
I really enjoyed their stay,
although we still fight and shout at each other like mad! :P
Thanks to them,
I was blessed to spend Christmas together with my family and friends!
Thus, sums up my 2013!
I must say, although I might be quite far from home,
I am truly blessed to have my love ones to come visit and spend time with me here,
making me feel like I didn't actually left home!
I'm also pretty glad to meet a lot of new people along the way
creating new experience and memories
before going home without holding any regrets!
Such a long post, took me 3 days to actually finish it!
Can't wait for more exciting things to come in 2014,
and also read back this post to reminiscence good old memories :D
Till then !