Is it me or time just flies so quickly?! In a blink of an eye it's March already! I'm graduated and officially unemployed. So what is next in life? I too have no ideaaa!
But let's put that aside and celebrate my graduation shall we?
I must say,
Graduation happened very quickly as if I haven't actually graduated.
As how the picture is turned out,
the weather in Perth is sooo hot
I am practically sweating under my regaliaaa!
But at least the photos turned out quite well,
kinda regret I didnt went earlier to take photos around the campus
Arrived slightly early but everyone was already there hogging at place that symbolizes the campus.
Note to everyone who is graduating:
If your graduation is at night like mine, do your photo sessions in the morning,
less people and less heat too!
Solely depending on the tripod to take a decent group shot.
Apparently I haven't been practicing so the pictures didnt turned out quite well :(
Another note!
Bring a friend or someone who know how to take good photos along
because it is almost impossible to take it on your own
when every pictures needs to have yourself inside!
And you'll be carrying a whole lot of stuff and in a heavy regalia,
you might end up like me sweating like a pig just to get a good picture -.-
Glad grandma and god mum was able to come to graduation :)
But i feel bad for them because they had to endure the heat together with me :(
And also not forgetting my dear parents,
without them i would have never have made it this far :)

Daddy looking good all suit up! :)

Taken with Mummy just before the ceremony starts!
Da Fu came along and brought me a bottle of champagne,
Balloon champagne to be exact!
I have to be honest,
I am truly blessed to have him as my housemate,
thanks to him, my life in Perth is so much easier with all his help!
Once again,
Thank you Da Fu ! :)
Also get to graduate with my homie Vivien!
Who knew someone who sat next to you during Entrepreneurship class
would end up going to Perth and stay under the same house with you?
What more to say graduate together?
Congratulations to both of us, siao zha bo!!

Dad took this picture of me while sitting together with the other graduates,
nervous and excited at the same time!
Curtin graduates woohoo!
There were about 500 graduates under Bachelor of Commerce,
also one of the biggest ceremonies in Curtin.
We were asked to go up the stage and tip on our motarboard (grad hat) before walking towards the Chancellor to receive our cert.
It was really quick but at least theres a short moment of achievement :)
Last picture with my homies!
Since graduation is finally over,
time to get a decent job.
now who wants to employ me?
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