Anywho, been watching drama through my phone and is hooked up with a Taiwan drama called 酔后决定爱上你,this drama actually resembles from another drama I watched before which was 命中注定爱上你. Apart from having similar story line, the male actors of both dramas are HOT. :D Ngehehehe, I initially thought that 阮經天 was the only hot guy Taiwan has to offer. Clearly, I'm wrongg. :p Step aside Koreans, the Taiwanese aren't that bad eitherrr. :D
From the drama 醉後決定愛上你, male actors which I think are actually quite hot are 張孝全 and Tom Price. Droolss!! They sure know how to pick actors!!! Why all so hot!! :D
I wasn't a big fan of 張孝全 from the beginning because I thought his face wasn't that good looking, but from the character he acted, shows a really cute side of him. HAHA! I'm talking like I'm falling in love liddat. :P But then he is still my fav among the three of themm.
Finally, Tom Priceeee! Omg omg omg I finally found another version of Dennis Oh. Oooh how I love eurasians! :D Apparently, he is half chinese and british. No wonder he sort of have that accent when I was watching the drama. I've got the hots for himm. Heheee! :P
Overall, its a bit bian tai for a girl to drool over guys at this hour but I can't help to blog about. If you ask me to pick, I also dunno which one I want. Can I have em all? :P Heheee!! As you can see from the pictures above, all of them are actually musculine which is why I am very interested. :P Ming, you better work hard. HAHA!!
I shall end without talking about the other female actress cuz I'm sexist like that. :P Muahahahhaha~
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