Haaaaappppyyy Neeeww Yeeeaar Everyone! :D
Was suppose to do my new year resolutions yesterday but I didnt have time to blog. So Imma do the first post of the year 2013 by blogging about how I celebrate the new years last night with my friends! :)
It was a last minute plan by the guys, I did not intend to go honestly cuz its sorta the first time Im not celebrating with Ming ever since we're together. :( We spent new years together last year and the year before so we were a little emotional that we can't spend it again this year. #longdistancerelationshipproblems
Moving on, my friends did not want to spend their new years in a club, jam packed and squeeze with the rest of the people and not even have any space to do their epic dance off. Lol I think I went a little too far on that. But anyway, spending new years in a club is way too mainstream! So they decided to do it environmentally friendly, dance under the moonlight, drink by the beach and party all night while watching free fireworks display! Good idea right? Save costs for club entrance fees, more dance space and still able to have fun! :P
So anyway, I didn't really get the message that they were going to spend the new years at the beach, I initially thought it was just a normal chill out INDOORS!! Ahh, so I guess I overdressed. :( Arrived at Beach Republic and feeling like an outcast! Eddie and Tze Jia was going to look for ice so I tag them and went home to get change. Thank god my house is not far from there. :P But we had a really hard time looking for ice, I swear every convenience store is not convenient at all. Ice are all sold out! Say what now? So we went back without ice. Drinking without ice. lol!
Too crayyyy to bid farewell for 2012 really!
It was drizzling a little and we continued on.
Eddie's car was a lifesaver! He turned on his car music on full blast we were like singing and dancing along!
Once a Columban, always a Columban! lol! xD
The couples:
Seriously, words cannot describe how crazy they can get. xD
And they were playing football and volleyball? I don't really get that but anyway, overall it was fun! :)
Dancing like nobody's business! xD
Cheers and Happy New Year!!
May 2013 be a good good year for all of us!
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